
The Department of CSE, Britannia University had successfully organized a Webinar On “Cyber-Crime Awareness: How to protect yourself ?” with all the students of Summer and Fall 2020 (CSE, BBA, LLB & English Dept.). The webinar was held on 29th November, 2020 at 12:25 pm using Google Meet platform. It was hosted by our faculty Mr. Masum Bakaul and the speaker was one of our fellow students Mahmuda Afreen (B. Sc in CSE, Batch: Spring -2017, Dept. of CSE, Britannia University).

The webinar focused on the common cyber-crimes, which are now a big concern for the world as well as for our country. It’s a demand of time to have knowledge about cyber-crime and how to be safe from a cyber-attack.

In the session, the speaker discussed some of the common cyber-crime and the related cases and also she wisely guided the students how to be safe from the cyber-attacks and what precaution should be taken to be safe.

The session ended with thanks to the students and speaker by the host Mr. Masum Bakaul, Lecturer, Department of CSE.
