
Admission Eligibility

Undergraduate Admission EligibilityMinimum GPA 2.5 in SSC and HSC Examination separately (Total GPA 5.0)For B.Sc in CSE: HSC Science with MathematicsPassed GCE “O” in 5 subjects and “A” level in 2 Subjects, maximum 3 C’s totalAmerican High School Diploma (GED Diploma is not acceptable) Submission of Complete Application FormAn applicant passing...

Credit Transfer Guidelines

Credit Transfer Policy  (1) Transfer from other universities Ø  A student may apply for transferring credits of similar course/degree earned from another recognized approved university/institution only after having gained admission at the new university. Admission Requirements:Ø  Transferred students are expected to have at least 2.50 CGPA for undergraduate and graduate programs on a 4-point scale in all...

Admission Checklist and Documents

Submission of Complete Application FormAn applicant has to collect an application form from the Admissions Office for specific information regarding application procedures by paying Tk. 500/- (Taka Five Hundred only).  The applicant has to submit the completed application form along with the following documents to the Admissions OfficeA complete application...

Guidelines for Guardians

Britannia University offers bachelor's and master's degree.The undergraduate(bachelor's) degree is for four years duration. Students take courses each semester and these courses have credits assigned to them and credits are counted towards the degree. Students are being graduated once they have the requisite number of credits & minimum grade point. An...